søndag 26. oktober 2008

Et kunstnerisk apropos til finanskrisa...

"The Last Laugh" ved John Bird & John Fortune

Sendt på BBC 14. oktober, 2007 (!)

(Med lattermild takk til Therese som gjorde oppmerksom :)


onsdag 22. oktober 2008

N. Scott Momaday - Tsoai-talee

Navarro Scott Momaday, f. 1934 i Kiowa-reservatet i Oklahoma, USA - poet, romanforfatter og kunstmaler. Han fikk Pulitzer-prisen i 1969 for romanen House Made of Dawn.

I denne (ca. 1 time lange og høyst anbefalelsesverdige) videoen leser Momaday (blant mye annet) det følgende diktet (fra In the Presence of the Sun: Stories and Poems, 1961-1991) - og forteller om hvordan han fikk Kiowa-navnet sitt, Tsoai-talee.

The Delight Song of Tsoai-talee

I am a feather on the bright sky
I am the blue horse that runs in the plain
I am the fish that rolls, shining, in the water
I am the shadow that follows a child
I am the evening light, the lustre of meadows
I am an eagle playing with the wind
I am a cluster of bright beads
I am the farthest star
I am the cold of dawn
I am the roaring of the rain
I am the glitter on the crust of the snow
I am the long track of the moon in a lake
I am a flame of four colors
I am a deer standing away in the dusk
I am a field of sumac and the pomme blanche
I am an angle of geese in the winter sky
I am the hunger of a young wolf
I am the whole dream of these things
You see, I am alive, I am alive
I stand in good relation to the earth
I stand in good relation to the gods
I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful
I stand in good relation to the daughter of Tsen-tainte
You see, I am alive, I am alive


mandag 13. oktober 2008

Grattis med dagen, Mikal!

Ha en toppers dag 

16 mill-bill-trill-hele-universet klemmer fra
guess who :))
