fredag 14. desember 2012

Miriam Barr & Kate Barton: How My Brain Betrays Me

"How My Brain Betrays Me is a collaboration between New Zealanders, visual artist, Kate Barton and poet Miriam Barr.

The pair worked together on the collaboration as part of the 2008 Metonymy project in Auckland, NZ. From a conversation exploring their common ground, a poem was created, which led to the creation of images which in turn inspired more words and so on, with each artist feeding and feeding off the other.

How My Brain Betrays Me was selected by a panel of acclaimed NZ artists and poets, including CK Stead and John Pule to be part of the Metonymy Exhibition at Side Room gallery. It was later named, by the same panel, as one of two pieces that best represented collaboration between genres." 

Interessant intervju med Miriam Barr her!

Litt wiki om Miriam Barr her!

Litt om Kate Barton her!

lørdag 8. desember 2012

Logan Dobson: "We should probably do something."

2012 Poetry Slam Winner, University of Auckland


torsdag 1. november 2012

Taylor Mali: Typography

Litt om Taylor Mali her!


torsdag 18. oktober 2012

The women who edited and defined Poetry magazine


Harriet Monroe, Alice Corbin Henderson, Eunice Tietjens, Marion Strobel, Margaret Danner.

From Poetry Foundation & Poetry Magazine - a great article/en flott artikkel: 
(Sett over kaffen!)  


onsdag 15. august 2012

Til Tove


Har våren kommet til Lista? spurte Tove
Nei, ikke ennå, sa jeg
Er du sikker på det? sa Tove
Jepp! sa jeg
Dagen etter kom hun med ekspressbussen
Og hele veien fra holdeplassen og opp til huset mitt
pekte hun på spirer i graset, innunder buskene, to gule
påskeliljeknopper i skyggen av et steingjerde
Og hva kaller du det der da? humret hun

Hvem skal peke ut vårtegnene for oss nå?


onsdag 11. april 2012

Zaiku til Turid

"Bowling?" sa Turid
"Tuller du?" lo vi - og Turid
trilla full strike!
