onsdag 20. mai 2009

Naomi Shihab Nye

(Med stor takk til Kjersti Bjørkmo som gjorde oppmerksom!)

Naomi Shihab Nye måtte jeg straks finne ut mer om - bl.a.

Poetry Foundation har lagt ut flere av diktene hennes - her!

Og her er et dikt som traff meg ekstra:

Boy and Egg

Every few minutes, he wants
to march the trail of flattened rye grass
back to the house of muttering
hens. He too could make
a bed in hay. Yesterday the egg so fresh
it felt hot in his hand and he pressed it
to his ear while the other children
laughed and ran with a ball, leaving him,
so little yet, too forgetful in games,
ready to cry if the ball brushed him,
riveted to the secret of birds
caught up inside his fist,
not ready to give it over
to the refrigerator


søndag 17. mai 2009